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Sunday, 11 February 2024

Treasure Chest - IX (Beeta publication) workbook solution of story - Bonku Babu's Friend




1.      C) Bonku Babu

2.      A) the boys teased Bonku Babu

3.      B) he was a storyteller

4.      A) to scare Bonku Babu with a spook

5.      B) his new kurta was torn and black stains all over

6.      C) he felt that it was not a congenial environment for him

7.      C) Saturday is auspicious for ghosts and spooks

8.      A) there was absolute silence

9.      C) the strange creature was examining Bonku Babu’s arms and legs

10.  A) Ang’s people like object had made him immobile.



1.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follows:

For the last----------------------------------------geography and

Bengali at the-----------------------------------------------a new

Batch of -------------------------------------------------------tradition of

Teasing poor--------------------------------------------------students.


i)What in the extract shows that the students were teasing BonkuBabu for a long time?

Ans: Bonku Babu has been a teacher for twenty-two years. Every year there has been a tradition of teasing him. Tradition is the transmission of practices over generations. Here batches of students used to tease him either new or old from long period of time in the school.

ii)What form of teasing was used by his students?

Ans: His students teased him by drawing his caricature on the blackboard. They used to put glue on his chair. on the night of Kali puja set off a rocket behind him. So different ways his students used to bully and harassed him.

iii)How did Bonkubabu react to the teasing by the students?

Ans: Bonku Babu ignored the teasing done by the students. He used to chide them gently saying ‘shame on you, boys.’ He never lost his temper.

iv)According to Bonkubabu what made his life as a teacher worth living?

Ans: There were always a few good students in every class who loved their teacher. Similarly, Bonku too had some good students to whom he used to invite to his house for the study. He used to regale them with stories and plied them with homemade goodies. So those handful of students were so rewarding to him and that made his life as a teacher worth living.

v)Why did Bonkubabu put up with the teasing?

Ans: Bonkubabu was practical person. He knew that if he let the teasing affect him then he would lose the job. He again may not get the another job because he was too old and he was middle aged. So he did not lose his temper and never protested against. He had a few good students whom he loved to teach them in spite of being teased by the other naughty students.


2.Only the other -----------------------------------talking about

Ghosts -------------------------------------------------------for some

Unknown reason ----------------------------------------afraid of

Ghosts that -----------------------------------------------opportunity to

The others. On his -----------------------------------Bonkubabu was

Attacked by a spook.


i)What made his associates arrange an attack on Bonkubabu by a spook? How is it shown in the story that the attack was arranged by his associates?

Ans: Bonkubabu never had a contrary opinion to his associates but when he declared he did not believe in ghosts it gave the latter a fresh opportunity to have fun so they arranged for the spook attack. Thus, a tall thin person painted in black ink jumped on Bonkubabu when he was passing under a tamarind tree.

ii)Describe in your own words the attack by the spook.

Ans: On his way back home later that night, Bonkubabu was attacked by a spook. As he was passing under a tamarind tree, a tall, thin figure leapt down and landed on his back. As it happened, this apparition had smeared black ink all over itself, as suggested by someone at the meeting.

iii)What happened to Bonkubabu as a result of the attack?

Ans: Bokubabu was not frightened to the attack; but he was injured badly. For three days, his neck ached. His new kurta was torn and the black stains were all over.

iv)What was the favourable condition for the spook to attack?

Ans: Bonkubabu was a creature of routine. He used to take the same path always. He had declared that he was not afraid of ghosts too. It was night and the darkness of the night was the favourable condition for the spook to attack.

v)Why did Bonkubau attend the meeting despite the attack by the spook? If he were not to attend the meeting, what would happen? What does it show about the rural life in his area?

Ans: Bonkubabu attended the meeting despite the attack by the spook because he did not want to displeased Sripati Majumdar who was the important person in the school committee and in the village. He would lose the patronage and goodwill of Sripati. In the story, the middle class men of the village happily reconciled to their ordinary prosaic lives in a world rooted in their typical middle class ethos and traditions. They enjoyed bullying and making fun of Bonkubabu.


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