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Thursday, 18 January 2024

Julius Caesar Act-2/Scene -2 morning star workbook solutions of ICSE-IX



1.c)            2.b)            3.b)            4.a)            5.b)            6.d)            7c)            8.b)        9.b)


Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follows:

1.      Calpurnia

What mean you, Caesar? Think you to walk forth?

You shall not stir of your house today.


Caesar shall forth; the things that threatened me

Ne’er looked ---------------------------------------see

The face of Caesar, they are vanished.

i)In what mood does Calpurnia speak to Caesar? Why does she warn him? When earlier had he been warned of this day?

Ans: Calpurnia is in frightened mood. She is frightened by her dream. She foresees danger to Caesar’s life. Earlier soothsayer had been warned this day-beware of ides of March 15th.

ii)What does Caesar noticed about the night? What did he ask his servant to do then? Why?

Ans: Caesar noticed that neither heaven nor earth at peace about the night. He asks his servant to bid priests to sacrifice and return with the outcome since Caesar is superstitious.

iii)Caesar says: ‘Caesar shall forth.’ On what are Calpurnia’s fear based? State two unusual things which she has heard to have happened.

Ans: Calpurnia tells him that there have been reports of horrid sights in the streets of Rome. Graves have yielded up their dead and ghosts have squealed, the groans of dying men have been heard and blood has been seen dripping on the wall of the capitol.

iv)What does Caesar say later about cowards? What does he say in the extract to show that he is not threatened?

Ans: Caesar says that cowards die may times before their actual death. Caesar prefers to face danger. In fact, danger sees the face of Caesar and runs away from him.

v)What aspect of the character of Calpurnia as well as of Caesar is hinted at in the extract? Give reasons to justify your answer.

Ans: Calpurnia is frightened by her dram and she foresees danger to caesar’s life. She pleads, scolds and begs him to stay at home even if it were by telling lies and risking his high reputation. She is dejected by the fact caesar ultimately does not heed to her warning. Caesar is superstitious yet proud. He is worried about the storm and his wife dream but too proud and ambitious to listen to.


2.      Calpurnia:

Caesar, I never stood on ceremonies,

Yet now they fright me. There is one within,

Besides ---------------------------------------seen

Recounts --------------------------------------watch

A lioness ---------------------------------------streets

And graves have---------------------------------dead;

i)What is meant by ‘I never stood on ceremonies’? what is Caesar’s normal opinion on such things?

Ans: It means that Calpurnia never paid attention to omens or ceremonies. Caesar is superstitious yet is proud. He is worried about the storm and Calpurnia’s dream but Caesar shows that he is fearless.

ii)Mention any three other signs enumerated by Calpurnia in her speech. Why does she narrate such sights at this time?

Ans: Calpurnia has had a dream that Caesar’s statue has been spouting blood. We learn of more prodigies in the streets of Rome – ghosts, a drizzle of blood over the capitol, a lioness giving birth in the street. Calpurnia interprets these signs and her dream as prophetic of her husband death.

iii)What does Calpurnia’s speech reveal about her character?

Ans: Calpurnia’s speech reveals that she is devoted wife. She cares for Caesar. So, she cries in her sleep for Caesar. She tries everything to stop Caesar.

iv)What is Caesar’s reaction to Calpurnia’s fear? What does he decide to do?

Ans: As a loving husband, Caesar alleges Calpurnia’s fears. Prepares not to go to the senate house. But he is led by his pride, vanity and fate to disregard his wife’s warning and goes to the senate house.

v)What does Caesar a little later do to indicate that death is inevitable? Which characteristic trait of Caesar is highlighted by his action?

Ans: Caesar disregards all the warning sent by the priest. He tells Calpurnia that it is absurd for men to fear inevitable death. He boasts that he is more terrible than the imagined fear. He prefers to face danger than to run away. His action indicates that he is proud of himself and his powers.

3.      Calpurnia:

Alas, my lord,

Your wisdom is consumed in confidence.

Do not--------------------------------------fear

That keeps----------------------------------own.

We --------------------------------------------house,

And he shall-------------------------------------today;

Let me, ---------------------------------------in this.


Mark Antony shall say I am not well;

And, for thy humor, I will stay at home.

{enter Decius}

Here’s Decius Brutus, he shall tell them so.

i)Where are Calpurnia and Caesar at this moment? What is Calpurnia trying to convince Caesar?

Ans: Calpurnia and Caesar are in a room in their home at this moment. Calpurnia is trying to convince Caesar not to step out from home. She is worried and fearful for his life.

ii)State two reasons offered by Calpurnia for wanting Caesar to stay at home.

Ans: two reasons offered by Calpurnia for wanting Caesar to stay at home are-

1)      Calpurnia’s fear.

2)      Caesar being unwell.

iii)Bring out three arguments Decius puts forwards to make Caesar change his mind.

Ans: Three arguments put forward by Decius are-

1)      His absence will go against his interest in the senate.

2)      Interprets Calpurnia’s dream to suit his own scheme of things and flatters Caesar that senators will offer the royal crown to him.

3)      If doesn’t go then he would be seen as a hen-pecked husband and a coward leader.

iv)Explain clearly in your own words the meaning of ‘your wisdom is consumed in confidence.’ Was Calpurnia correct in her judgment of her husband? Why?

Ans: it means that Caesar is over confident so he can’t be wise or think for himself. Yes, Calpurnia was correct in her judgment of her husband as she has had a dream and even the soothsayer had warned earlier. Even priest had sent the warning.

v)What is revealed of Calpurnia’s character in the above words? How is she contrasted with Portia who appears in the previous scene?

Ans: It is revealed that Calpurnia is a caring wife. She accepts the responsibility for Caesar’s action of not going to the capitol. Portia wants to share her husband’s problems but does nothing. Since Caesar disregards all the warning. So, she remains a silent spectator.

4.      Decius:

Most mighty Caesar, let me know some cause,

Lest I be -------------------------------------them so.


The cause is in my will: I will not come;

That is -----------------------------------senate:

But, for your-----------------------------------satisfactions,

Because I love you, I will let you know;

Calpurnia here-----------------------------at home:

She dreamt tonight….

i)Where are the speaker at this moment? What day is this? What is the significance of this day?

Ans: the speakers are at Caesar’s house at this moment. Its eight o’clock in the morning. The day is 15th of March- ides of March. The significance of this day has been warned to Caesar by soothsayer before.

ii)What did Calpurnia dream? How did she interpret her dream? How does Decius interpret her dream?

Ans: Calpurnia dreamt that Caesar’s statue is spouting blood. She interpreted that her dream that the grave harm is going to come upon Caesar. Decius interpreted her dream that great Rome shall renew its strength from Caesar. Great men will crowd around Caesar to get something stained by his blood to be cherished like a relic.

iii)What other reasons did Calpurnia state for not wanting Caesar to go to senate?

Ans: the other reasons stated by Calpurnia was that there have been reports of horrid sights in the streets of Rome. Grave have yielded up their dead and ghosts have squealed, the groans of dying men have been heard and blood has been seen dripping on the walls of the capitol.

iv)What other statements did Decius make to convince Caesar that he should attend the senate? How is it that Decius has come on the scene at the time?

Ans: Decius convinced Caesar that his absence will go against his interest in the senate house. He interpreted Calpurnia’s dream to suit his own scheme of things and flatters Caesar. He also wins over Caesar that it he doesn’t go to the senate then he would be seen as hen-pecked husband and a coward leader.

v)What is your opinion of Caesar at this point in the paly? Express your feelings for him when he is assassinated.

Ans: According to my opinion, Caesar is overconfident. He is proud of his power. He is boastful. He rejects all the warnings. He doesn’t listen even to his wife. Hence, his pride and disregarding attitude of waring led him to be assassinated.

5.      Decius:

If you shall send them word you will not come;

Their minds--------------------------------------a mock

Apt to be---------------------------------------------say,

Break up ----------------------------------------------time,

When -------------------------------------------------dreams.

If ------------------------------------------------------whisper,

‘Lo. Caesar is afraid’?....



How foolish do your fears seems now, Calpurnia!

I am-----------------------------------------------to them.

Give me my robe, for I will go:

i)What had Decius assured Caesar that the senate were proposing to do on that particular day? Why?

Ans: Decius had assured Caesar that the senators are resolved to offer him a crown that very day and if he doesn’t come then they may change their mind. He also suggested that he may be mocked by them if it is known that Caesar is frightened by the dream of his wife.

ii)When was a similar thing already offered and what was the reaction of Caesar at that time?

Ans: Crown was offered to Caesar during the celebration of the feast of Lupercalia. But he had refused it. So, crowd had shouted in daylight at Caesar’s response.

iii)What interpretation had Decius offered to Calpurnia’s dream? What was his motives?

Ans; Decius interpreted the dream of Calpurnia in an excessively flattering manner. Unable to make an excuse that might suggest some human weakness, Caesar relics on pride; he is too great to be obliged to explain himself. Decius appeals to his ambitions to be king and concern for Caesar’s future career.

iv)Earlier in the play, Caesar himself had expressed, once to Antony and once to Calpurnia, other thoughts on the topic of fear. Describe as closely as you can any one of the things he says about fear.

Ans; Caesar had expressed earlier once to Antony about fear as – he will tell Antony what is fear rather than what he fears because he is Caesar.

To Calpurnia- if seems strange, men should fear their death because death comes as a necessary end.

v)Explain in your own words the meaning of the phrase ‘it were a mock/apt to be rendered.’ What is revealed of Decius character in the passage?

Ans: It means that it would be a joke that would be cracked later. It is revealed about Decius that he is a crafty manipulator. He is a betrayer of friendship. He convinces Caesar that his absence will go against his interests in the senate house. He flatters Caesar to win over.




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