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Monday, 12 February 2024

Treasure Chest - IX (Beeta publication) workbook solution of story - The Model Millionaire




1.      C) Hughie’s spirits and kindness

2.      D) his piteous expression

3.      C) he gave a sovereign to the beggar

4.      C) he gave money to a model thinking him as a beggar

5.      C) he felt that he had made a mistake by giving him a sovereign

6.      B) Alan Trevor for Hughie

7.      C) model who are millionaires are hardly found

8.      A) irony

9.      B) Hughie did not fit in at the stock exchange

10.  C) Hyperbole

11.  D) all of the above

12.  A) Hughie’s

13.  b) Baron, Trevor’s

14.  d) in his mind



1.Read the extract given below and answer the question that follows:

Unless one is ---------------------------------romance

Is the privilege ---------------------------------unemployed. The

Poor should------------------------------------------------permanent

Income than ---------------------------------------------modern life

Which ---------------------------------------------------------we

Must admit-----------------------------------------------a brilliant

Or even --------------------------------------------------wonderfully

Good looking -------------------------------------------grey eyes.


i)What is said about wealth in the extract? Give the meaning of the poor should be prosaic’.

Ans: It is said that only those who possess wealth can be romantic. The poor should be practical and have their hopes and aspirations grounded in reality.

ii)Give two positive qualities of Hughie. What was his drawback?

Ans: Hughie was very good looking with brown hair grey eyes and chiseled face. His nature was very good. He never said an ill-natured thing to anyone. He was kind. He was not intellectually gifted and he had no permanent income. He used to live with the income of his aunt.

iii)What did his father bequeath him? What did he do with his inheritance?

Ans: His father bequeathed him a cavalry sword, kept it on huge over his looking glass, and history of peninsular that was fifteen volumes kept it on self between Ruff’s guide and Bailey’s nicaraven.

iv)How did Hughie make a living? What was his experience in his stock exchange?

Ans: Hughie made his living by his aunt’s allowances of two hundred pounds. He worked for six months but felt out of place in the stock exchange. He also tried in tea merchant but there also he was unsuccessful at and even failed in selling dry sherry,

v)Give the meaning of the following – untimely he became nothing, a delightful ineffectual young man with a perfect profile and no profession.’

Ans: It means that the ultimately Hughie had no achievements nor a permanent income. Despite his good looks and king nature he did not have a profession or occupation.


2.To make matter-----------------------------------was Laura

Merton the -------------------------------------------temper and

His -------------------------------------------------------again. Laura

Adored him --------------------------------------------shoes strings.


i)Who is he referred in the extract? What troubles he had earlier in his life?

Ans: it is referred to Hughie. He was simply unable to make money. He survived on an allowance of two hundred pounds a year given by an old aunt. His father had left him with an inheritance of a cavalry sword and history of the peninsular war in fifteen volumes. In order to earn money he had tried the stock exchange, worked under a tea merchant and sold dry sherry.

ii)Give the meaning of ‘who had lost his temper and digestion in India.’ With reference to India, what theme is referred to?

Ans: Colonel had served in the army and had been posted in India. He has a nasty disposition as he had lost his temper and his digestion in India. He suffered from digestive issues rendering him perpetually cranking. He was not rich either. Here, the theme of wealth is referred.

iii)Name and explain the figure of speech used in the following ‘and he was ready to kiss her shoes-strings.’

Ans; The figure of speech used in ‘and he was ready to kiss her shoes-strings’ is hyperbole. It’s the exaggeration used for Hughie that he was ready to do anything for Laura.

Iv)They were the handsomest couple in London’ but what was lacking in their lives? How did they obtain it?

Ans: They were the handsomest couple in London but were unable to get married as Hughie did not have ten thousand pounds of his own as per Laura’s father’s condition. He felt sorry for a poor beggar and gave him a sovereign. The beggar was a very wealthy man who rewarded Hughie with ten thousand pounds as a wedding’s gift.

v)What was the colonel’s attitude towards Hughie? What does that say about Hughie? Which characteristic trait of the colonel is reflected in his attitude towards Hughie?

Ans: The colonel was fond of Hughie. He liked him but he was practical as he knew that Hughie was kind hearted and good looking but he lacked financial stability and security. Colonel has a nasty disposition as he had lost his temper and his digestion in India. He was not rich either but wanted a better life for his daughter. So he gave more important to the financial stability which was the determining factor for the relationship.


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