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Friday, 26 January 2024

Treasure Chest - IX (Beeta publication) workbook solution of poem - Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat




1.      D) skimble was nowhere to be found.

2.      A) quick

3.      B) the train begins its journey

4.      B) by a regular patrol

5.      A) no one could play pranks

6.      D) all the above

7.      A) the passengers’ choice of morning tea

8.      A) bright and energetic

9.      C) 11:39 pm, 11:42 pm

10.  B) in the luggage van

11.  D) the police

12.  B) by weaving his tail


I.                   Read the extract given below and answer the question that follow:

There’s a whisper down the line at 11:39



We must find him or train can’t start.

i)What’s the whisper down the line? Who all are whispering?

Ans: The whisper down the line refers to a message being passed along the train staff at 11:39pm when the Night mail is ready to depart. All are whispering – ‘where is skimbleshanks?’ where are the railway staff, the guards, porters and even the station master’s daughter? All are searching about them.

ii)Who is Skimble? What work does he do?

Ans: Skimble is ‘the railway cat’ in the poem skimbleshanks. He is a cat who works on the night mail train and is responsible for supervising the train’s crew, including the driver, guards and bagmen. He is the in charge of the sleeping car express and he ensures the smooth functioning of the night mail and comfortable journey for all passengers.

iii)What does hunt the thimble’ mean? What was skimble doing at this time?

Ans: Hunt the thimble is a playful phases used to describe a party game where one person hides a small object in a room and the others look for it. He was busy organizing the luggage van.

iv)Why can’t the train start without skimbleshanks? How did the train finally start?

Ans:The train can’t start without skimbleshanks because he is the in-charge of the train. The train finally started at the arrival of skimble who flashed his eyes towards the signal and then the signal turned green in response and train started to move.

v)Did it depart on time? How did the scene at the train change after skimble appeared?

Ans: Yes, the train departed on time after the confusion and chaos. The passengers were at great relief and calm. They were no longer frantic once skimble appeared and even people stopped searching him.

II.                 All the guards--------------------------------------daughters

They ----------------------------------------------------- and low

Saying ----------------------------------------------------------nimble

Then the night mail just can’t go.’

i)Identify and name two figures of speech used in this extract?

Ans: Hyperbole –‘searching high and low’

            Alliteration – saying skimble where is skimble.’

            Imagery – ‘all the guards …high and low.


ii)Why is it important for skimblshanks to be on the train?

Ans: Skimbleshanks is important to be on the train because he is the in-charge of the train and makes sure its smooth operation of the train- keeping check on the train staff. Seeing to the comfort of passenger and solving problems before they occur.

iii)Why would skimble need to be very nimble?

Ans: Skimble need to be quick because he is the in charge of the train and without him train won’t move. So he would need to be quick enough to supervise everything and to signal the night train to depart on time.

iv)Who are they’ in the second line? Why are they frantic? Did they calm down? How?

Ans: In the second line ‘they’ refers to the railway staff, guards, porters, stationmaster and his family. They are frantic because they are not able to find skimbleshanks the railway cat in charge of the train, where he was. Yes, they calmed down once he appeared at the nick of time.

v)Imagine you are onboard this train, describe the manhunt for skimble.

Ans: I could see all the staff members in uniforms running up and down the length of the train searching for skimble. Some people were looking up the racks and down under the seat. All are frantic and confused. All are searching and whispering as if something were gravely wrong.

III.              You may say------------------------change

Of the------------------------------------express.

From the --------------------------------------cards

He will --------------------------------------------less.

Down the --------------------------------------------faces

He -------------------------------------------------------patrol

And he ----------------------------------------------------occurred.

i)Who will supervise them all (the staff)? Who are they who need the supervision?

Ans: Skimbleshanks, the railway cat will supervise them all – the drive, the guards, and the bagmen. All the staff on board the train need the supervision.

ii)Whose faces does the supervisor examine? What can he gauge from their faces?

Ans: The supervisor examines all the passengers of all the classes- the first class as well as the third class compartments of the train. He can gauge from their faces the comfort level whether they would cause trouble or there was something amiss.

iii)Briefly describe how the establishes control. Why does he pace the corridor?

Ans: He supervises the staff by seeing that they perform their duties properly. He patriots the train and comes to know immediately of an untoward incidence. He paces the corridor to study the faces of the passengers.

iv)Do you think the supervisor can do the same in other modes of transport- plane, bus, metro? State how.

Ans: The supervisor can do the same in other mode especially in bus because it is open and allows for free movement of the cat for supervision. But in plane and metro may not possible because it is closed not connected as one compartment so the free movement is not possible for the supervision.

v)Why do you think the train is called sleeping car express’? how does the supervisor ensure that the name holds true?

Ans: The train is called sleeping car express because it is fast train with few/limited stops where passengers can sleep during the night during their journey. The supervisor ensures that the name holds true by regularly patrolling the train corridors and checking on the passengers to make sure they are comfortable and secure during their journey.

IV.               Oh, its -----------------------------------------------den

With your --------------------------------------------door.

And the ------------------------------------------------sheet

And there’s -----------------------------------------------floor,

There is every ------------------------------------------------bright;

There’s a ------------------------------------------------------breeze.

There’s a funny ---------------------------------------------------face in

And a crank --------------------------------------------------------sneeze.

i)Why is the cabin called your little den’? what kind of security does it offer the passengers?

Ans: The cabin called ‘your little den’ because it provides a personal and private space for the passengers to rest during the journey. It has also name written on the door. Cabin is clean and allows passengers to unwind and rest. It was secure from all side so no dusty floor. So it provided security from all pests.

ii)Describe the little den as mentioned in the extract.

Ans: The little den refers to the cabin on the train where the passengers sleep and relax. It was very neat and clean with name written on the door, folded sheet, no dust and with adjustable lights. It has window which can be opened and shutdown. There are wash basins to wash faces.

iii)Were the passengers scared of skimbleshanks? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: No, the passengers were not scared of skimbleshanks. They respected him. He was said to be very friendly and helpful. Therefore, all the passengers kept very quiet. Passengers felt tension free at the presence of skimbleshanks in the train during their journey.

iv)What were the arrangements made for the comfortable journey of the passenger?

Ans: Skimbleshanks ensures that the berth is comfortable with clean sheets and operative lights, fans, washbasins and handles on windows. The cabin is dust free. The authority figure takes care of the safety of the passengers by ensuring that there are no mice and fleas in the train.

v)Compare the facilities of the train cabin with facilities of a cabin in today’s train. Would you find a skimbleshanks today? Why?

Ans: yes, we do find the train cabin with similar facilities in today’s train. We find even more and better facilities like air conditioned train but have no facilities for the cat to move around as he did it at that time. we don’t find railway cat skimbleshanks because the time has passed and we have other similar type of persons as skimbleshanks, who supervise the passengers.

V.                 But you------------------------------------------------police

If there--------------------------------------------------about

When you get-----------------------------------------------wait

For -------------------------------------------------------------out

He gives----------------------------------------------------------tail

Which says-------------------------------------------------------again!


The cat--------------------------------------------------------------------train.

i)What does skimble do at Dumfries station? Why?

Ans: At Dumfries station skimble speaks to the police if there is anything report mishaps. He does it as he is the supervisor of the train. He makes aware of everything that happens on the train during the journey. He is responsible for the smooth running of the train.

ii)When do you think that the train reaches its destination? Name the first and the last stations of the Midnight mail.

Ans: The train reaches its destination in the next morning. The name of the first station is London and the last station name is Gallowgate station of the midnight mail.

iii)Why do the passengers do not have to wait to get down at gallowgate?

Ans: The passengers do not have to wait to get down at gallowgate because the railway cat helps them to get out quickly and efficiently. He is responsible for ensuring that the train runs smoothly and everything is in order, including the arrival and departure of the passengers.

iv)How does skimble bid goodbye to the passengers? What does the wave of his long brown tail mean?

Ans: Skimble bids goodbye to the passengers by waving his long brown tail. The wave signifies that he will see them again and they will meet without fail on the midnight mail again. The gesture of skimble throws his friendliness good will and comfortable journey with the passengers.

v)Once the passengers fall asleep, what does the railway cat do?

Ans: Once the passengers fall asleep, the railway cat ensures everyone on board is quiet and all wake up to the perfect cup of tea. He does his work sincerely and keeps on constant watch over them and inspect the station Crewe, exchange news with station master at Carlisle and exchange report with the police too.


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